20 research outputs found

    Ithemal: Accurate, Portable and Fast Basic Block Throughput Estimation using Deep Neural Networks

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    Predicting the number of clock cycles a processor takes to execute a block of assembly instructions in steady state (the throughput) is important for both compiler designers and performance engineers. Building an analytical model to do so is especially complicated in modern x86-64 Complex Instruction Set Computer (CISC) machines with sophisticated processor microarchitectures in that it is tedious, error prone, and must be performed from scratch for each processor generation. In this paper we present Ithemal, the first tool which learns to predict the throughput of a set of instructions. Ithemal uses a hierarchical LSTM--based approach to predict throughput based on the opcodes and operands of instructions in a basic block. We show that Ithemal is more accurate than state-of-the-art hand-written tools currently used in compiler backends and static machine code analyzers. In particular, our model has less than half the error of state-of-the-art analytical models (LLVM's llvm-mca and Intel's IACA). Ithemal is also able to predict these throughput values just as fast as the aforementioned tools, and is easily ported across a variety of processor microarchitectures with minimal developer effort.Comment: Published at 36th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) 201

    CoMEt: x86 Cost Model Explanation Framework

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    ML-based program cost models have been shown to yield highly accurate predictions. They have the capability to replace heavily-engineered analytical program cost models in mainstream compilers, but their black-box nature discourages their adoption. In this work, we propose the first method for obtaining faithful and intuitive explanations for the throughput predictions made by ML-based cost models. We demonstrate our explanations for the state-of-the-art ML-based cost model, Ithemal. We compare the explanations for Ithemal with the explanations for a hand-crafted, accurate analytical model, uiCA. Our empirical findings show that high similarity between explanations for Ithemal and uiCA usually corresponds to high similarity between their predictions

    Diålogos para repensar a gestão educativa na América Latina

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    El presente siglo estĂĄ demarcado por dos aspectos claves, la generaciĂłn de conocimiento y el trabajo en redes. En relaciĂłn con el primer aspecto, se hace necesario que organizaciones como las universidades o centros de nivel superior, incentiven, gestionen y produzcan conocimiento. Entendido esto como un proceso continuo, donde las diferentes instancias y actores de estas instituciones participan en investigaciones a nivel formativo (tesis de grado) o en grupos de investigaciĂłn. Para esto se hace necesario que los gestores de los diferentes programas trabajen de manera mancomunada y con objetivos claros, asĂ­ como contar con normativas que alienten la producciĂłn de conocimiento, ademĂĄs de los incentivos respectivos. El segundo aspecto tiene que ver con el trabajo en redes lo cual es importante y necesario en estos tiempos, porque estas redes pueden estar dentro de las organizaciones, tanto locales como extranjeras. Es relevante porque permite que los integrantes de una organizaciĂłn aprendan con otros, dialoguen y discutan sobre temas afines o comunes y, ademĂĄs, se embarquen en trabajos que conducen hacia un mismo fin. Claro estĂĄ que este trabajo en redes humaniza a los sujetos de diferentes contextos, porque hacen suyas las mismas problemĂĄticas, ademĂĄs de darles la posibilidad de encontrar respuesta a esos problemas de manera conjunta. Estos aspectos clave, y de seguro con otros, hicieron posible la concreciĂłn del presente libro, titulado “DiĂĄlogos para repensar la gestiĂłn educativa en LatinoamĂ©rica”, el cual es la primera producciĂłn de la Red de Posgrados en EducaciĂłn en LatinoamĂ©rica (REDPEL), conformada por programas de posgrado de seis universidades de la regiĂłn. Previo a esto, damos a conocer algunos hitos de la conformaciĂłn de la REDPEL. A mediados de diciembre del 2019, se reunieron los docentes Dr. Daniel Johnson (Universidad de Chile) y Dr. Alex SĂĄnchez (Pontificia Universidad CatĂłlica del PerĂș) en Lima, en el marco del primer congreso de grupos de investigaciĂłn en currĂ­culo, donde dialogaron sobre la posibilidad de llevar a cabo un trabajo conjunto entre diversos programas de LatinoamĂ©rica, con el fin de dar a conocer lo que realizan y hacer pensamiento sobre temas comunes de la regiĂłn. A mediados del 2020, dialogaron la Coordinadora de la MaestrĂ­a en GestiĂłn Educativa Dra. Liliana Ávila y la Coordinadora de la MaestrĂ­a en EducaciĂłn Dra. Elsa Aponte, ambas de la Universidad PedagĂłgica y TecnolĂłgica de Colombia (UPTC), el docente Dr. Samuel Mendonça de la Pontificia Universidad CatĂłlica de Campinas, Brasil (PUC Campinas), junto al Dr. Daniel Johnson y Dr. Alex SĂĄnchez para realizar la primera actividad conjunta, la cual consistiĂł en los encuentros de gestiĂłn y currĂ­culo, donde se expondrĂ­an los avances de las tesis de cada programa y serĂ­an comentados por docentes, tambiĂ©n de esos programas. En octubre de ese año, el dĂ­a 20, se realizĂł el Encuentro de Estudios de Posgrado en CurrĂ­culo (UPTC, U. Chile, PUCP) y, el dĂ­a 27, el Encuentro de Estudios de Posgrado en gestiĂłn educativa PUC Campinas, UPTC, PUCP). Se presentaron dos estudiantes por cada programa y participaron, en total, doce docentes comentaristas. Estas actividades acercarĂ­an a los diferentes programas a un trabajo en equipo, ademĂĄs de valorar lo que vienen realizando a nivel de tesis de maestrĂ­a, asĂ­ como interactuar con docentes y estudiantes en una sola “sala”. Este espacio acadĂ©mico permitiĂł mantener un diĂĄlogo mĂĄs cercano entre las diferentes organizaciones. Queda claro que la virtualidad facilitĂł el logro del evento. Posteriormente, se acogerĂ­a la propuesta de cuatro estudiantes de la PUCP para realizar un evento acadĂ©mico entre estudiantes, lo que significĂł que cada programa sea representado por un estudiante para que llevara a cabo esta actividad. Los estudiantes serĂ­an los siguientes: Barbara Diaz (Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto, Brasil); VerĂłnica Muñoz (U. Chile); Nidia GarcĂ­a (UPTC); Carolina Trentini ( PUC Campinas); Arcelia Diaz (UAZ); Claudia Achata, Jhennifer RamĂ­rez, Denis Muñoz y Tatiana Micalay (PUCP). Todo este grupo realizĂł, el 30 de octubre la I Conferencia Internacional de Estudiantes de MaestrĂ­a en EducaciĂłn, con el tema “La educaciĂłn en tiempos de Incertidumbre: Reflexiones desde el CurrĂ­culo y la GestiĂłn Educativa”. Cabe resaltar que fueron apoyados por docentes de los diferentes programas y grupos de investigaciĂłn

    A comprehensive overview of radioguided surgery using gamma detection probe technology

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    The concept of radioguided surgery, which was first developed some 60 years ago, involves the use of a radiation detection probe system for the intraoperative detection of radionuclides. The use of gamma detection probe technology in radioguided surgery has tremendously expanded and has evolved into what is now considered an established discipline within the practice of surgery, revolutionizing the surgical management of many malignancies, including breast cancer, melanoma, and colorectal cancer, as well as the surgical management of parathyroid disease. The impact of radioguided surgery on the surgical management of cancer patients includes providing vital and real-time information to the surgeon regarding the location and extent of disease, as well as regarding the assessment of surgical resection margins. Additionally, it has allowed the surgeon to minimize the surgical invasiveness of many diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, while still maintaining maximum benefit to the cancer patient. In the current review, we have attempted to comprehensively evaluate the history, technical aspects, and clinical applications of radioguided surgery using gamma detection probe technology

    Artifact for OOPSLA 2023 Paper "Turaco: Complexity-Guided Data Sampling for Training Neural Surrogates of Programs"

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    Artifact for Turaco: Complexity-Guided Data Sampling for Training Neural Surrogates of Programs This repository contains the implementation of the Turaco programming language and its analysis, and the experiments in the paper "Turaco: Complexity-Guided Data Sampling for Training Neural Surrogates of Programs"

    Programming with neural surrogates of programs

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    Surrogates, models that mimic the behavior of programs, form the basis of a variety of development workflows. We study three surrogate-based design patterns, evaluating each in case studies on a large-scale CPU simulator. With surrogate compilation, programmers develop a surrogate that mimics the behavior of a program to deploy to end-users in place of the original program. Surrogate compilation accelerates the CPU simulator under study by 1.6×1.6\times. With surrogate adaptation, programmers develop a surrogate of a program then retrain that surrogate on a different task. Surrogate adaptation decreases the simulator's error by up to 50%50\%. With surrogate optimization, programmers develop a surrogate of a program, optimize input parameters of the surrogate, then plug the optimized input parameters back into the original program. Surrogate optimization finds simulation parameters that decrease the simulator's error by 5%5\% compared to the error induced by expert-set parameters. In this paper we formalize this taxonomy of surrogate-based design patterns. We further describe the programming methodology common to all three design patterns. Our work builds a foundation for the emerging class of workflows based on programming with surrogates of programs

    Turaco: Complexity-Guided Data Sampling for Training Neural Surrogates of Programs

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    Programmers and researchers are increasingly developing surrogates of programs, models of a subset of the observable behavior of a given program, to solve a variety of software development challenges. Programmers train surrogates from measurements of the behavior of a program on a dataset of input examples. A key challenge of surrogate construction is determining what training data to use to train a surrogate of a given program. We present a methodology for sampling datasets to train neural-network-based surrogates of programs. We first characterize the proportion of data to sample from each region of a program's input space (corresponding to different execution paths of the program) based on the complexity of learning a surrogate of the corresponding execution path. We next provide a program analysis to determine the complexity of different paths in a program. We evaluate these results on a range of real-world programs, demonstrating that complexity-guided sampling results in empirical improvements in accuracy